The WIN Program
Got Ideas?
Have you ever thought of a way to improve service, increase efficiency, or just make our jobs better? WIN is a new program to help turn your ideas into actions, because we’re better when we work together! Making a meaningful difference has never been easier.
There’s more than one way to share your WINing idea, and you can add your name and department or remain anonymous:
- Click HERE to fill out the short idea form
- Scan the QR code
- Email your idea to:
- Call: 706-542-7933
- Speak to your WIN Ambassador, supervisor, or management team
- Complete a paper form and send through Campus Mail to:
Auxiliary Services Building
1088 S. Lumpkin St.
Athens, GA 30622
WIN Ambassadors
- Golf Course: Sarah Gibson
- Transit: Kylie Gibson & Brian Heredia
- Parking: Leanne Hill
- Finance: Nolan Dasher
- IT: Nick Stonecipher
- Marketing: Aimee Cheek
- HR: Barbara Derricotte
- Bolton: Bruce Watts & Will Smith
- Snelling: Liam Monast
- The Niche: Adonis Allen
- Ohouse: Shanell Greene
- Joe Frank (Summit & Commissary): Sarah Nelson
- Retail Operations: Jacob Jordan & Jasmine Christopher
- Dining Admin/Ops Support: Tracy Winters