Stepping Stones Program


What is the Stepping Stones Program?

A "stepping stone" is defined as a means of progress or advancement. The Auxiliary Services Stepping Stones Program has been established to provide employees throughout the division the opportunity to broaden their knowledge of Auxiliary Services and grow their individual skills and abilities while exploring potential career paths beyond their current positions. Program participants will be assigned to a project conducive with their career goals as outlined in their program application and resume. These projects typically last for 6-8 weeks with six to eight hours per week required to complete the project. In some cases, participants will be reassigned for a 6-8 week period to a job conducive with their career goals. Their current work position will be held and participants will return to that position when the program is completed.   

What opportunitites are available?

Mentoring opportunities are available in the following Auxiliary Service departments:

  • Auxiliary Services Administration
  • Auxiliary Services Information Technology
  • Auxiliary Services Marketing
  • Golf Course
  • Dining Services
  • Transportation and Parking Services
  • Vending Services

Each area offers a wide range of project opportunities relating to various career fields. For example, an employee who is interested in the accounting field may complete the application process and could then be matched to a mentor in their field of interest. The applicant's responsibilities would be relevant to that particular career field. So in the accounting example, responsibilities might include helping with inventory processing, account reconciliations, and cash audits.

How do I apply?

Employees interested in the program will need to complete an online application. Applications will be reviewed by a selection panel to determine admission into the program and assignment. Applicants will be required to submit a resume and cover letter with the application.  Once chosen to participate, employees will go through an interview and approval process.  Final approval of all assignments will be attained by Managers and/or Directors of the Department. 

Have Questions?

Any questions regarding the specifics of the Stepping Stones program can be directed to Danielle Bouton at or (706) 224-0621.

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