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Creating Campus Connections
About Us
Auxiliary Services is a department of the Finance and Administration division at the University of Georgia. There are multiple retail and service units within Auxiliary Services including: the UGA Bookstore, Dining Services, the UGA Golf Course, and Transportation & Parking Services. Our services help you shop, eat, ride, park, and play while attending or visiting UGA.
UGA nightly rideshare program available to students
The University of Georgia has a partnership with Lyft to provide an on-demand, late-night transportation program for students. UGA Ride Smart offers discounted, evening rides to elligible students. Learn more here.
Auxiliary Roundup Newsletter
Stay up to date with the latest news and events happening in Auxiliary Services. Check out our latest issue here!
Auxiliary Services enhances the University’s pursuit of excellence and fulfills the needs of students, faculty, staff, and visitors of the University of Georgia by developing and offering high quality goods and services, operating in a financially self-supporting manner, and providing exceptional customer service to the campus.